
Let’s chat.


Get a personalized quote

All of our quotes are tailored to your specific requirements. We aim to make the quote as detailed as possible so you know how our services is broken down.

We need to view your property or get some specific details regarding room size, number of rooms or size of the property to give you a set price. The more information we receive from you will allow us to give you a more tailored quote.


Book a meeting with us

Use the form to tell us what services you would require for your home. We would be happy to arrange an appointment to discuss our services further at your home or we can just give you a call and have a chat.

Please be as specific as possible so we can provide you with the correct information regarding your enquiry.

You can also email or call to book a meeting with us or just pop by the Hayloft located in Lynton, Devon. Our general response time is one business day.



➤ location

The Hayloft. Bakers Court Lane

Lynton, Devon. EX35 6EW

☎ Contact

Telephone: 01598 753 256

Mobile: 07539 867 226